  >  Explore   >  The Kaudia Estate, Kanatal, Uttarkhand –  Where time stands still 

When our friends Kavita & Nitin Atroley invited us to spend a weekend with them at Kaudia estate which they and their friends have painstakingly built we were thrilled as apart from the ocean, the mountains have also offered us much required solace, serenity and tranquility. The Atroleys had also invited other guests who we knew well hence like thousands of nerve shaken over civilized people we jumped at the opportunity. The thought of going to the mountains like the beach is like going home and a little wilderness is now a requirement and not a necessity.

Kaudia, a tiny hamlet perched at 8500 feet is easy to get to- it is 300 kms/178 miles from Delhi and takes about 7-8 hours as the last 40 kms/23 miles stretch has many twists and turns while the splendid vistas will keep the mind occupied. An easier option is to fly 45 minutes to Dehradun from Delhi and traverse the 75 kms/45 miles and 2 hours before checking in to this awesome abode meant for the Gods! At Kaudia nature teaches us what is important in life and what we can live without.

There are 3 acres to explore and three almost identical villas and conveniences to choose from – Cedarwood, Woodrose & Baywood and they all command unobstructive views of the mighty Himalayan peaks – Neelkanth, Satopanth, Bandarpeench, Badrinath, Kedarnath, Chaulihambra, Dunagiri, Sunehri Parvat and the first among equals -Nanda Devi. For those interested in Astrophotography you could not have chosen a better spot to photograph astronomical objects on a clear night in what seems a hand shaking distance away.

Don’t miss the sunrise- if the mountains in front of Kaudia had eyes they would wake to find strangers standing in admiration as a breath taking red pours its tinge upon the earth’s shore. These mountains which have seen untold sunrises long to thunder praise but will stand reverent and silent so that our weak praises should be given the almighty’s attention.

The bonfire at nights, a guitarist to entertain, generous fillings of single malt whisky, the company of close friends, delectable cuisine, a starlit sky is a lethal combo to savour the moments. We were reminded of John Denver’s “Rocky mountain high” and you realise there had to be reason for some of the best known singers who have sung hit numbers revering and romanticising the mountains, which have obviously inspired them.  We spent the mornings hiking and exploring the surrounding forests and a picnic lunch one afternoon under the tall pine trees was the icing on the cake.  The friendly, incredible and well trained staff will play a large role in enhancing the experience of your stay as they did with ours.

As the saying goes all good things must end but two quotes best describe Kaudia:

If you truly love nature you will find it everywhere- Van Gogh.

However if he had visited Kaudia he might have said “yes you find it everywhere but Kaudia will also mesmerise the visitor”.

When you go to the mountains you see and admire them. In a sense they give you a challenge and you express that challenge by climbing them-Edmund Hillary


Starter – Pyaaz ki Paturi (onion pancakes)

Non Veg- Tawa Fishmarinated locally caught fresh river fish cooked on a griddle

Veg- Kaafli (Spanish preparation)

Dessert- Jhangoora kheer (Barnyard millet & milk dessert)


Getting there

By car from Delhi- 300 kms/178 miles  and about 7-8 hours     

By Air- 45 minutes flight from Delhi to Dehradun and 75 kms/45 miles  and 2.5 hours drive

Best time to visit- All seasons

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